About Me

I was born in Oxford in 1971 and was the youngest in the family. I have two older brothers. I did not see my father so much as he worked 24/7 building up a car dealership. My mother was the engine of the ship as they say and kept everything including us three boys in order – I would say she is an amazing Mother!


I went to the local primary and secondary school where I was constantly reminded, I would not amount to much by my teachers. I left school and before long I had my own car valeting business right up until I got married at the tender age of 18. I have five wonderful children and I used to tell them imaginary stores on our car journeys and bedtime stories. They would always say “Tell us the one about the superspy Dad!” My children are all grown up now. I have nine grandchildren at the time this is published, but I doubt it will stop there!


They say thoughts become things. A few years ago, after being single for a while, I met a wonderful lady called Samantha. She not only became my wife, but she is also my best friend, supporter, and rock. Without her my creative mind would not have been published and I would not be having so much fun writing and retelling my imaginary stories. Fiction has become my world. I wanted to write a book for my granddaughter Katie. So, the 1st book Falling in a Picture and the whole series of Katie and Grandads Amazing Adventures began.

I have loved creating stories for my children and grandchildren. Not only do I get to tell my stories out loud, but I also get to publish them so everyone can experience in the fun and creative mind of Christian Lockwood.

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